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December 1999

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An Important Word about the Year 2000

What does YAHUVEH say about the Year 2000?

Should we fear next year?

As we come quickly into the year 2,000...

No one really knowing what will happen since man let the computers take over - a gift from GOD that was used out of balance.

I have PEACE for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA still are on the throne and Reign! Nothing has changed! Nor shall it, nothing can happen our GOD doesn't allow!

As we have faith YAHUSHUA has delivered our soul, we need faith to believe he will deliver us from the trials to come! He alone is our deliverer! I have MORE peace about Y2K than all year! It came on Dec.4 and I don't know why...nothing different happened in the physical realm..but something changed in the Spiritual realm to the GLORY of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA!

This doesn't mean not to have a few extra supplies like in an emergency for a storm, but just don't PANIC! Just use wisdom and do what the HOLY SPIRIT leads! The footsteps of the GODLY are ordained of the LORD! Things come that surprise US but not the GOD we serve! He has complete control!

I didn't know this was going to go into a Y2K post - also Y2K problems can last up to 3 years coming and going! So, are we going to worry about this or leave this in the hands of the creator of the computer as well as ALL THINGS, knowing he will protect those that belong to YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH!

Beloved I stand on this scripture "For GOD hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind" when this world starts to panic remember the word Panic is NOT in our GOD'S vocabulary! Not now or ever! Let it NOT be in OUR vocabulary either. Again I repeat let this get into our mind, body, spirit and soul! The bible can't lie! For GOD hath not given us the spirit of fear but of POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND!" so remember that when the world starts to panic in anything!

Our GOD is not a GOD of Panic! YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA are the ALPHA & OMEGA the BEGINNING and the ENDING! Take Peace in this.

The true millennium is not for another year, yet technically starting with 2001 
- quote from another Pastor

A Prayer for the Year 2000:

Heavenly Father in the Name of YAHUSHUA We gather together in YOUR son YAHUSHUA's name coming boldly before your Throne of grace! Magnifying and Glorifying and lifting YAHUSHUA's name up so all men and women will be drawn nigh! We enter into your gates with thanksgiving and Praise because of WHO YOU ARE! You are Jehovah Jireh our LORD and our PROVIDER! There is No good thing you will withhold from your Children! So I ask you now the PEACE you have given me recently on Y2K let it now come upon the people and the wisdom of the LORD to let them know how to prepare for ANY short emergency!

We ask our footsteps be ordained of your Holy Spirit! We thank you for your promise to care for your babies, bride, chosen ones, and elect.

We are your bride and we know that you will protect your bride who longs to see her bridegroom! NOT in FEAR but because we long to be with you out of DEEP LOVE!

Deep longing to be by the LOVE of OUR LIFE's Side! But until that time we know we shall occupy this world, until YAHUSHUA comes doing the work you have called us to do, being fishers of Men and Women, for the only thing we can take from this earth when we leave it be it in death, or the catching away called the rapture, is SOULS!

Knowing we used our Life, finances, and time, to GLORIFY our GOD, LORD, SAVIOR, MASTER, CREATOR of ALL THINGS in Heaven and in Earth and all that lies in between! You are Abba Father! OUR Daddy GOD YAHUVEH! We lay our heads now in your lap as a young child knowing you will take care of your Children. Safe and Secure in Daddy GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Cradled in your arms in your lap! In YAHUSHUA's Name above ALL names I have prayed. Amen...

Selah Leaving you in Peace (Shalom) that passes ALL well as (Shalem) nothing missing, nothing broken! For it was FINISHED and the debt was paid completely at Calvary by YAHUSHUA! (Jesus)

Rev. Sherrie Elijah

PROPHETIC WORD given to Rev. Sherrie Elijah, when she least expected it.


Arthur C. Clarke: "Year 2000 is technically not the millennium"

CBC Radio Arts

NEW YORK - Arthur C. Clarke has weighed in on the debate about exactlywhen the new millennium starts. Clarke is the author of the classic science fiction novel set at the start of the new millennium, 2001: A Space Odyssey. This week Clarke issued a public statement correcting people who are calling next year the new millennium.

In the statement he says that because the Western calendar starts with Year 1, and not Year 0, the 21st century and the third millennium do not begin until January 1, 2001.

However, Clarke acknowledges that the millennial celebrations will start at midnight on December 31st of this year. He says that's because the psychological effect of the three zeros and the Y2K bug that will affect computers were much too powerful to be ignored.

Clarke suggests that 2000 be called the Centennial Year and 2001 the Millennial Year.

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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5