Oh ! How we praise YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA for our partners in this ministry! You are covered in prayer many times a day for blessings and protection not only now but the days ahead. 

When my computer was destroyed because of a virus YAHUVEH raised his faithful to provide. We seldom bring the needs of this ministry to you unless it is urgent. This is a URGENT need we lay before those that know this ministry is fertile ground and worthy of planting your seed into.

We ask for prayer intercessors to raise up and email us and let us know your there. Being willing to fast and pray for this need if necessary.

Please agree with us in prayer for we had our only vehicle totaled on Dec. 3. We have been using a rental car. Now we wait for the SUV that YAHUVEH has said we were to get with the insurance check.

Also we have been given a mandate by YAHUVEH to take this ministry in a traveling sanctuary, and it is a RV. We just looked at a Diesel RV 40 foot long and beautiful even with a washer and dryer. This is the cheapest way to travel and minister now. It costs $39,000 we have 4 days to get this money, and we only have $16,000 for it thus far. Please pray YAHUVEH shows us the financial favor and people will be moved to help us get this vehicle. This is the answer to how to take this ministry to your town and others MINISTERING without the expensive airfare and hotels, etc.

We were ministering in other Pastors Churches but now YAHUVEH has said to take the sanctuary to the People all over USA, Canada, and Mexico. If you feel led to be apart of this miracle, please email me at revholyfire@hotmail.com.

Please email us for a quicker way to send then through Postal mail for our mail literally has to chase us for a month sometimes as we travel.

If you or someone you know has a Large RV that is in good running condition Please email us. One of our goals with traveling in the RV is to personally come to your state and meet and pray with our Partners in this ministry.

If you can do nothing else Please pray in agreement within the 4 days YAHUVEH will speak to hearts and we will have this money sent to us. The offer of this low price is for 4 days pray no one else will buy it before then. 

I had another prophetic warning dream and prophecy come forth today on Dec. 27, but YAHUVEH told me it is not yet the time to release it. YAHUVEH's judgment is very soon to fall only intercessory prayer can cause a delay.

Much love and gratitude,

Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah



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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5