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Unidentified Blue Light Spooks Residents in Centreville, Va.

November 9, 2010

Centerville, Va. residents are buzzing about a strange blue streak of light seen racing across the sky a few nights ago. The dazzling azure-hued beam was seen by dozens of people. It appeared as a super brilliant blue light that stayed in the immediate area for more than 10 minutes before soaring out of sight.

An eyewitness recorded the scene on his cell phone, getting some video of a strange blue light that moved up and down on the screen, sometimes stopping and seemingly hovering in the air. The unidentified blue light was said to make no sound while it streaked around in the sky.

Town citizens are freaked out by this mysterious beam of blue and speculated as to what it could mean. Could it be blue alien visitors from some unknown planet? What about a blue light off a helicopter or plane? Was it a possible publicity stunt from the Blue Man Group?

Everyone who saw the phenomenon had their own personal idea about what it might be. Most viewers were convinced it had to be an unidentified flying object. Those that lived close to the nearby Dulles airport said it didn’t look or act like normal airport traffic.

Whatever the case, this unknown indigo invader has everyone talking and each and every one are convinced that what they saw in the night sky was a genuine unidentified flying object.

Over the past few weeks, UFO sightings have become more common with sightings in places such as Denver, New York, and even as far away as China. They have caused airport shutdowns and startled and frightened residents. Could it be they are trying to communicate in some way? Only time will tell if more of these visitors from the vast unknown of space will navigate into our lives.