The Elijah Dream
Is Elijah Tishbite One Of The Two Witnesses? NO!
Email From Hong Kong

Open Letter To Elijah The Tishbite Who
Claims To Be One Of The Two Witnesses

Letter From Elijah The TishbiteMy Response



On May 15, 2003, I received an air mail letter from Elijah the Tishbite who resides in Cyprus. Because this man, Elijah the Tishbite, claims to be one of the two (2) witnesses and this ministry has received numerous emails since 1999 from people asking me if he truly is one of the two witnesses, Father YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA told me to post his letter and my response, which was air mailed to him on May 30, 2003 as an open letter to the people.

This issue will be settled once and for all no later than the end of June, 2003. I was told by YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA to lay two (2) fleeces and, if this man Elijah the Tishbite, is indeed one of the two witnesses, these fleeces shall come to pass, and we will shout it to the world through this ministry.

I want to openly repent and apologize to you, the people, and ask your forgiveness, as I have asked YAHUSHUA's forgiveness because I was told to get in contact with this man and introduce myself to him after I had a dream about him in 1999. You can read it here.

I am apologizing because this issue might have been settled in 1999 if I had obeyed and not made excuses. I am grateful that YAHUVEH has given me another chance and had this man contact me instead, quite unexpectedly.

I have never sought YAHUVEH more in hearing the answer to this question than anything else before. I do not want to be wrong about this or lead anyone astray. For some unknown reason, YAHUVEH has made this my business.

As you will see in my response to this man, Elijah the Tishbite, if these fleeces do not come to pass, it will prove that he is not one of the two witnesses and people are being led astray, and YAHUVEH is using this ministry to expose this lie.

Please lift this ministry and ministers up in your daily prayers, for the spiritual attacks have been great since I wrote my response and mailed it because Satan does not want this revealed.

Please email me with any comments you may have or if you have an interpretation of the dream. Contact Us">Contact Us. Please be patient for a response to your emails, as we are still on the road and have limited internet access.

Love and Blessings,
Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah

Letter From Elijah The TishbiteMy Response


P.S. Please understand that in no way am I trying to attack this man. We have exchanged photos with him and I truly would like to meet him because I feel he has a true love for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and in no way do I want to harm him.

The issue is only...Is he who he claims to be, one of the two witnesses or not? YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is using this ministry to bring forth the  truth.

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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5